Erin Anderson

My photo
Urbana, Illinois, United States
My health problems take up a lot of my time because I have: Bipolar Type 1, Gasteroparesis (severe), and complex PTSD among other things. But I don't let illness define my life. My children and my partner define it every day and one day soon I hope to be a published (paid) author!!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Great Day

I haven't had time for any children's book writing, but I would like to invite you to read my other blog, Without a Compass. It's the one where I share about my day to day life and I plan to save this one for any and all Mission: Book Publishing happens. Thanks for reading. :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Just a quick update. The next book I have planned will be Kindergarten level. I may even do a few versions to make leveled readers for all K-aged kids. But before I can do that I must have hip surgery. It's not scheduled yet, but I expect it to be within the next month. I likely will even get to stay in my own hometown to do it. I picture myself doing my PT exercises and then spending the rest of the day happily in front of my laptop doing what I'm doing now and writing, writing, writing. I even got a great lead for a publisher who is willing to give me advice, a little copy editing, etc. for FREE! It' pays to have writer friends. My best writer friend at the moment TC hooked me up and even believes in me enough to think that I won't have to self-publish a book. That feels good.
The picture above is me in front of the shelves that *I* got to clean and organize. I had to have a lidocaine/steroid shot in my hip to make sure that the pain is coming from the labral tear which is what surgery would repair. It only lasted one day but I WAS UPRIGHT! All day out of my wheelchair. I have never felt taller. I was towering over my own kitchen cleaning and listening to music. It was wonderful to have the taste of a "normal" day and a few months from now, I hope those days will be endless!
Also my Partner CB had an excellent interview today for what will be a great job, but unfortunately the boss man is waiting for someone who's about to put in their notice to leave. But he's got other leads for temporary stuff. Luckily my health has held out since I got back from St. Louis a couple weeks ago so I'm not longer in constant fear that any job he starts he will only lose because he has to stay home and take care of me. Happiness abounds!

(Also I've added my GoFundMe link to the right-hand column. I am still a "professional patient" with lots of out-of-pocket costs for the time being. If you can donate thank you so much; but a share on your social media page of choice is also quite helpful. Thank you!)

Friday, May 3, 2019

Always Ambidextrous: An Infants Guide

I'm writing this new post mainly because I don't want the "copy" that I have hidden away for my first children's book to be here on the internet for free. I know it's worth something because I am worth something and so are my kids. They can have a copy forever to remind them what THEY are worth. To me and to the world. No matter how long I'm here on earth to remind them. But I've gotta work fast! So here I am. Purchased a (very inexpensive) domain name and all. Thanks for reading.